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A sneaky peek into the sonic selections of our staff, what have we had on repeat this month?

Adam- Founder

Gaming Soundtracks

It’s my geeky little secret that I don’t usually listen to drum and bass during the day. There’s a lot going on in my house, so I usually just find a game or movie soundtrack and put my headphones on. It really helps me to stay focused on what I’m doing. At the moment I’m listening to a lot of Zelda and Halo, but it changes all the time.

Charli- Creative Intern

Lenzman – NQ State of Mind

I have been absolutely rinsing this LP since its release in December, Lenzman delivers that soulful goodness once again. Such a fab collection tunes from some exceptionally talented producers, this album has most definitely helped beat my January blues away. After the pre-release promo mixtape with Dan Stezo dropped on Soundcloud, I had very high hopes, but this release has lived up to my expectations and then way beyond them. The North Quarter smash it once again. My top picks would have to be Lenzman – Walk on By (Satl Remix) and Anile – Juno’s Position. Highly recommend listening if you haven’t already…you won’t regret it.

Mo- Web Developer

Lurch- The Sun It May Rise

My favourite release in January is ‘Sun It May Rise EP’ from Lurch which came out on Bristol-based label Intrigue Music. The EP comprises of 4 equally quality records that ooze soulful vibes. The stand out track is the title of the EP ‘Sun it May Rise’, I listen to it daily, the hook sticks in your head and is hard to shake off. Stunning release from the boys in Bristol!

Emma- Writer

Workforce- Moods EP

Workforce (aka Jack Stevens) wasn’t kidding when he said he was leaving SpectraSoul behind to concentrate on his solo endeavours. He’s been kicking out stompers relentlessly over the last 12 months or so. This latest release is dark and heavy (but would you expect anything different from a Critical release?) Full of weighty drops and a brooding intensity, it’s perfect for these bleak winter nights – nights we’d usually be being dancing away in a sweaty club somewhere. Techy ‘Back Up’ is my personal fave. I’m nothing but a sucker for a melodic hook and pounding baseline combo.