Elevate Records presents their next release and it’s from Cheltenham grown production duo Annix, who bring to Elevate a different kind of track from their usual weaponry. Having graced several labels, serving to the wider DJ circuit destructive selections throughout their years working diligently in the studio, their new single on Elevate sees the pair dig deep, providing a distinction which instantly jumps out at its listener through forthcoming single ‘Kaleidoscope’.
Their debut on Elevate, it offers itself to the dancefloor but adds A Little Sound into the mix to drive the track into a more harmonious pairing of light and dark elements. A Little Sound lulls the audience of ‘Kaleidoscope’ into a false sense of security with her vocals, meanwhile Annix still pull through the bass heavy layering which they have helped to coin since they first started their venture into drum & bass. A sure-fire sub rattler, ‘Kaleidoscope’ has the euphoric breakdowns which once again create the contrasts helping to underpin the record. It shows a maturity in Annix’s sound and how they have progressed in their career to release on Elevate. Proudly standing within their ever-growing roster of artists, Elevate are proud to welcome Annix and their mixed nuances for another show-stopping release on the imprint.